
October 1, 2010

Behaviour Driven Development With JBehave Web 3, Selenium and Maven 2 on OS X Snow Leopard

For integration testing on the webapp I’m using JBehave 3 and Selenium. As an initial test all I’m going to do is test that the home page displays the message “Welcome to the website.” when a user navigates to /igallery, the root of the website.I’m using the Page Object pattern to construct the tests.

1 Write a scenario and save it in a file called home.story in src/test/resources/com/siark/igallery/stories

Scenario: User opens home page

Given the user opens the home page
Then the home page should be displayed

2 Create a generic page class that I call IGalleryPage. The java file is created in src/test/java/com/siark/igallery.

package com.siark.igallery.pages;

import org.jbehave.web.selenium.SeleniumPage;

import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.condition.ConditionRunner;

public class IGalleryPage extends SeleniumPage {
	public IGalleryPage(Selenium selenium, ConditionRunner conditionRunner) {
		super(selenium, conditionRunner);

3 Create a HomePage class that deals with the home page specifically. The java file is created in src/test/java/com/siark/igallery/pages.

package com.siark.igallery.pages;

import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.condition.ConditionRunner;

public class HomePage extends IGalleryPage {
	public HomePage(Selenium selenium, ConditionRunner conditionRunner) {
		super(selenium, conditionRunner);
	public void open() {
	public void verifyPage() {
		textIsVisible("Welcome to the website.");

4 Now create a class called IGallerySteps that defines the annotations used in the story. The java file is created in src/test/java/com/siark/igallery.

package com.siark.igallery;

import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Given;
import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Then;

import com.siark.igallery.pages.FindSteps;
import com.siark.igallery.pages.HomePage;
import com.siark.igallery.pages.PageFactory;

public class IGallerySteps {
	private final PageFactory pageFactory;
	private HomePage home;
	public IGallerySteps(PageFactory pageFactory) {
		this.pageFactory = pageFactory;
	@Given("the user opens the home page")
	public void theUserOpensTheHomePage() {        
		home = pageFactory.home();;        
	@Then("the home page should be displayed")
	public void theHomePageShouldBeDisplayed(){

5 A factory class called PageFactory is used to get page classes. The java class is created in src/test/java/com/siark/igallery/pages.

package com.siark.igallery.pages;

import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.condition.ConditionRunner;

public class PageFactory {
	private final Selenium selenium;
	private final ConditionRunner conditionRunner;
	public PageFactory(Selenium selenium, ConditionRunner conditionRunner) {
		this.selenium = selenium;
		this.conditionRunner = conditionRunner;
	public HomePage home() {
		return new HomePage(selenium, conditionRunner);

6 To configure and run the tests, an embedable runnable class is created, which I have called IGalleryStories. The java file is created in src/test/java/com/siark/igallery.

package com.siark.igallery;

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static;
import static org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporterBuilder.Format.CONSOLE;
import static org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporterBuilder.Format.HTML;
import static org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporterBuilder.Format.TXT;
import static org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporterBuilder.Format.XML;

import java.util.List;

import org.jbehave.core.Embeddable;
import org.jbehave.core.configuration.Configuration;
import org.jbehave.core.junit.JUnitStories;
import org.jbehave.core.reporters.ConsoleOutput;
import org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporter;
import org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporterBuilder;
import org.jbehave.core.steps.CandidateSteps;
import org.jbehave.core.steps.InstanceStepsFactory;
import org.jbehave.core.steps.SilentStepMonitor;
import org.jbehave.web.selenium.SeleniumConfiguration;
import org.jbehave.web.selenium.SeleniumContext;
import org.jbehave.web.selenium.SeleniumStepMonitor;

import com.siark.igallery.pages.PageFactory;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.condition.ConditionRunner;

public class IGalleryStories extends JUnitStories {
	private Selenium selenium = SeleniumConfiguration.defaultSelenium();
	private ConditionRunner conditionRunner = SeleniumConfiguration.defaultConditionRunner(selenium);
	private PageFactory pageFactory = new PageFactory(selenium, conditionRunner);
	private SeleniumContext seleniumContext = new SeleniumContext();

	public Configuration configuration() {
		Class<? extends Embeddable> embeddableClass = this.getClass();
		return new SeleniumConfiguration()
			.useStepMonitor(new SeleniumStepMonitor(selenium, seleniumContext, new SilentStepMonitor()))
			.useStoryLoader(new LoadFromClasspath(embeddableClass))
			.useStoryReporterBuilder(new StoryReporterBuilder() {
				public StoryReporter reporterFor(String storyPath, Format format) {
					if (format == CONSOLE) {
						return new ConsoleOutput() {
							public void beforeScenario(String title) {
					} else {
						return super.reporterFor(storyPath, format);
			.withFormats(CONSOLE, TXT, HTML, XML));
	public List<CandidateSteps> candidateSteps() {
		return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), new IGallerySteps(pageFactory), new FailingScenarioScreenshotCapture(selenium))
	protected List<String> storyPaths() {
		return new StoryFinder().findPaths(codeLocationFromClass(this.getClass()).getFile(), asList("**/*.story"), null);

This class is actually the same class provided on the JBehave website 🙂

7 The last class is also from the JBehave website and is the FailingScenarioScreenshotCapture used in IGalleryStories. It is also created in src/test/java/com/siark/igallery.

package com.siark.igallery;

import org.jbehave.core.annotations.AfterScenario;
import org.jbehave.core.annotations.AfterScenario.Outcome;
import org.jbehave.web.selenium.PerScenarioSeleniumSteps;

import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;

public class FailingScenarioScreenshotCapture extends PerScenarioSeleniumSteps {
	public FailingScenarioScreenshotCapture(Selenium selenium) {
	@AfterScenario(uponOutcome = Outcome.FAILURE)
	public void afterFailingScenario() throws Exception {
		String home = System.getenv("HOME");

8 Finally I need to add a dependency for jbehave-web-selenium, the maven-jetty-plugin plugin so that the Jetty application server can be started and stopped and the igallery.war file can be deployed to it, the selenium-maven-plugin plugin to start and stop the Selenium server and lastly the jbehave-maven-plugin plugin to run the integration tests. The Jetty server will listen on port 8080 for HTTP requests, and the Selenium server will listen on port 4444.

<project xmlns="" 
	<name>Siark iGallery Webapp</name>

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